Cloud For Accountants

What's Important

Our Accounting clients have told us

QuickBooks, Sage, + MS Dynamics works flawlessly – cloud based or local

Downtime – Setup creates almost no interruption + daily operations can expect  99.8% Uptime

Cost – it is typically a lateral price move away from traditional infrastructure, with ALL the benefits + predictable cost

Firm files in ‘one secure file cabinet’, easily configured, accessed, + controlled

Accounting clients
expertise cloud services

30+ Years of Experience

Cii has worked with global accounting and auditing firms for 30+ years

We understand your need for world class security + reliability in your technology. Accountants have a unique set of challenges:

Compliance to confidential information protection regulations

Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines – 98% Up-Time + 24/7/365 Access

Back-ups are built-in

Enterprise security + encryption

We are also software developers – we can help build a custom application for you

Business Cloud Package

Microsoft Server + Workstation cloud licensing

Office 365 E3 license

Microsoft RD App + browser cloud desktop access

Automation + Management Portal licensing

Secure Web Filter

Microsoft Security Update Patching

Azure Usage Audits

Best Practice Recommendations

Security + Alert Monitoring


No More Worrying about

Disaster Recovery


Physical Vulnerabilities: lightning strike, fire, flood, or theft

Remote Teams

Moving your office

Disaster Recovery

Working in the Cloud is transformational

Focus on your business. Not on your IT. Be more competitive + productive.

Proud Sponsors of the NCACPA

Great folk doing great things for the CPAs of NC
